#BeCyberKind Written Piece Competition Launches For Young People - Enter NOW!
We want young people in Warwickshire, aged 6-17, to give other young people advice on how to share respect online.
The home secretary has announced £9m of funding to help fight criminals who use the dark web
A hidden layer of the internet, accessed through specialist software, allowing users to be anonymous (known as the dark web), is to be cracked down on, with funding going towards the fight against cyber criminals operating in this space.
A further £5 million (of a previously announced £50 million fund) will go towards dedicated cyber crime units to fight online offenders at a local level.
It is hoped the funding will lead to more prosecutions of criminals who are using these platforms. Matthew Falder was jailed for 32 years for blackmailing victims and sharing abuse tips and images on the dark web in February 2018.
What Is The Dark Web?
Simply put, the dark web is a separate part of the internet - much bigger than the clear net we all use every day. Unlike the clear net, there are various tools used on the dark web which helps to mask user's real identities and locations.
This allows many criminals to operate illegally, with the assumption they won't be caught. However, it is possible to reveal who users actually are, and where they are using the dark web.
In itself, the dark web is legal - but many illegal activities take place here.
We discuss the dark web in further detail in our 'Prevent Online Grooming' sessions, aimed at parents, carers and youth professionals. You can book on to a free local session via our Eventbrite page, with sessions in Atherstone, Nuneaton, Rugby, Kenilworth & Stratford across June & July 2018.
More details of this training, below: