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British Airways Data Breach - What You Need To Know (And Do!) 

Personal and financial details of customers making bookings have been compromised in a recent data breach. 

Personal and financial details of customers making bookings have been compromised in a recent data breach. 

British Airways have announced that personal and financial details of customers making bookings had been compromised in a recent data breach. 

About 380,000 transactions were affected, but the stolen data did not include travel or passport details.

BA said the breach took place between 22:58 BST on 21 August and 21:45 BST on 5 September.

Who Is Affected?

BA said all customers affected by the breach had been contacted on Thursday night. The breach only affects those people who bought tickets during the timeframe provided by BA, and not on other occasions.


If you have been affected by this breach:

  • Change your password for your BA account, and any other accounts which have the same, or similar, passwords
  • Monitor your bank and other online accounts for any suspicious activity. Alert your bank immediately if you suspect anything. 
  • Be aware that fraudsters may refer to the breach in scam emails. This could involve them asking you to click on links to enter personal or financial details.
  • Report any fraud or fraud attempts to Action Fraud
  • For support following any cyber crime, Warwickshire residents can contact Victim Support Warwickshire on 01926 682 693.

The National Crime Agency and National Cyber Security Centre have confirmed they are assessing the incident.