Superdrug Data Breach Of 20,000 Customers' Details
- Names, addresses, dates of birth, phone numbers and points balances have all been compromised
Online Shoppers are being warned of the risks of cyber-fraud during the festive season.
The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) - part of GCHQ - is launching a major campaign called Cyber Aware with its first ever TV ads.
It says over last year's Christmas shopping period there was an average loss of £775 per incident from online shopping fraud.
The NCSC is outlining six key things people can do to protect accounts.
Online shopping has seen significant growth this year and is likely to reach new levels at Christmas - even with High Street shops now re-open again in many areas.
And with that comes the risk from criminals.
The NCSC is working on the campaign with the Home Office, the Cabinet Office and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and aims to help individuals and organisations to protect themselves online.
Statistics by the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau reveal that over last year's Christmas shopping period (from November 2019 to end of January 2020) there were 17,405 reports of online shopping fraud, reporting a loss of £13.5m - an average of £775 per incident, according to the NCSC.
As well as a website, there is also a television and radio advertising campaign running until Christmas Eve to advise on six essential behaviours to protect online accounts and devices.
These are: