Quarter of children experienced cyberbullying in the last year, study finds
'It's vital that young users can reap the benefits of going online without being exposed to unacceptable harm'
Coronavirus misinfomration is flooding the internet and the experts are calling on the public to practice "information hygeine". What can you do to stop the spread of bad information?
Fake news can be false information, photos or videos purposefully created to confuse or misinform. It can also be genuine information that has been manipulated to deceive.
If you want to try to make sure that you don't get caught out by fake news, there are a few things you can look out for:
Ask yourself:
If the answer to any of these questions is 'no', you might want to check it out a bit more, before spreading the word.
Some key steps to keep in mind:
1. Does it sound real?
2. Check for spelling and grammatical mistakes
3. Check the comments
4. How long has the page existed?
5. Who wrote it?
6. Read more than just the headline
7. Have you checked the URL?
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