Virgin Media Warns 800,000 Users To Change Passwords
A Hacking Risk Means Virgin Media Has Warned 800,000 Users to Change Passwords
Cybersecurity experts have revealed a list of the 12 most common subject lines used in phishing emails targeting businesses.
The list shows that fraudsters are using a combination of personalisation and pressure in an attempt to deceive victims.
In many cases, the language contained in the subject line of the email mimics popular terms used in the workplace to give the illusion that an urgent response is required; the idea being that an employee is more likely to open and respond to an email from a work colleague or their boss rather than a message from a stranger.
The data has been compiled by cybersecurity company Barracuda following an analysis of 360,000 phishing emails in a three month period.
The top subject lines are based around the following key phrases:
How you can protect yourself: