Whether using your home Wi-Fi, or the one at the coffee shop when out and about; while many choose to connect, the risks associated with Wi-Fi are far less known.
If your home Wi-Fi is not secure, it could mean that others have access to your internet connection, slowing it down, or accessing (and stealing) sensitive information which you are sharing via this network. Some may even be able to
TOP TIPS To Secure Your Home Wi-Fi
Ensure your network is password protected.
Change the default router password (this is often something basic such as password, admin or changeme).
See more tips in the video from Barclays, below:
Public Wi-Fi
The risk with Public Wi-Fi comes with the fact that many do not require a password to access them. Even if they do, you do not know who else is using the connection.
Anyone could be connected to the router at the same time as you, watching what you do.
A criminal may set up a fake hotspot which you connect to thinking it is a legitimate Wi-Fi connection when in fact all your traffic is going through their computer for them to read.
Safely Using Public Wi-Fi
Avoid sending any personal information over public Wi-Fi.
Use reputable hotspots where possible (e.g. where you have to log in to connect – this lets you know you are connecting to the correct Wi-Fi).
Users who want to access their highly sensitive information (such as banking) when out and about should download a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
TOP TIPS for Public Wi-Fi Safety
Personal information can also be stolen by shoulder surfing.
Don’t leave devices unattended in a public place - especially if it is switched on and unlocked.
Make sure you have a lock on your device (e.g. password, pattern or thumb print).
Download & update anti-virus (even on phones & tablets - not just laptops), keep your firewall switched on, use strong passwords and update these regularly.
Fraudsters falsely claiming to be from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) are sending out scam letters and emails to residents claiming that they need to confirm 'details' with them.