Sadfishing: Social media trend threatens young people's mental health, report warns
A social media trend called ‘sadfishing’ is harming the mental health of children and leaving them vulnerable to grooming online, a new report says.
Young people often use the internet in a completely different way to older generations. Find out what could make you vulnerable online, and how to stay safe.
A social media trend called ‘sadfishing’ is harming the mental health of children and leaving them vulnerable to grooming online, a new report says.
Instagram believes its new anti-bullying tool, which prompts users to pause and consider what they are saying, could help curb abuse on the platform.
Head teachers in England are more likely to face problems with pupils bullying online and misusing social media than in any other developed country, an international study says.
'It's vital that young users can reap the benefits of going online without being exposed to unacceptable harm'
Every year we’re able to do more and more online. From sending messages to sorting out our finances, today we can do it from our phones and tablets wherever we are. But the more we can do online, the more we’re exposed to hazards. Cybersafe is here to help you stay safe online, so you can browse to your heart’s content, knowing you’re protected against scams, fraud and security problems.
If you’re the victim of a cyber crime, or you know of a current online scam, report it here.
If you need some advice dealing with cyber safety there’s always someone to talk to.
Don’t tell the world your whereabouts 24/7 – turn off your location settings if you aren’t using the map or GPS system on your device at the time
Warning issued to WhatsApp users over account takeover scam - Criminals are targeting WhatsApp users by posing as a friend and asking for a security code. 📱…
Apr 11Please take a look at @natonlinesafety 's great new guide on Digital Devices. They've changed the way we live – but the new forms of stress they can bring are an #OnlineSafety risk. 📱😟 Our #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips for reducing ‘always on’ anxiety 🛡
Please take a look @natonlinesafety's great guide on passwords! 🔒⌨ As the digital world’s most common security measure, passwords remain a prime target for cyber criminals. Their #WakeUpWednesday guide has tips to improve #OnlineSafety by increasing your password strength 💪
Please take a look at @natonlinesafety's great new guide on the Apple iPad 🍏🔎 It's instinctive ease of use makes it a huge hit with children – but what #OnlineSafety risks should trusted adults watch out for? Their #WakeUpWednesday guide has the details 👀
Please take a look at @natonlinesafety 's new guide on NGL 💬👤 On this messaging app users anonymously make comments and ask each other questions, bullying and trolling are a clear #OnlineSafety risk. Their #WakeUpWednesday guide brings trusted adults the lowdown on NGL 👀
Please take a look at @natonlinesafety 's new guide! Their guides often deal with the #OnlineSafety risks, but this #WakeUpWednesday they explain how safe and healthy gaming is and how it can have some benefits for young minds 💡🎮
Happy #SaferInternetDay , a day to to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for young people. Join us and @UK_SIC in celebrating this day. This year's theme is "Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online"
Fantastic guides to help & support staff, parents and carers this #SaferInternetDay and beyond giving you the knowledge, skills and confidence to keep children safe in the online world! 📱💻…
We're here to support you this #SaferInternetDay! 🤩 Discover 250+ FREE...