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Young Adults

Young people often use the internet in a completely different way to older generations. Find out what could make you vulnerable online, and how to stay safe.

Young Adults

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What we do

Every year we’re able to do more and more online. From sending messages to sorting out our finances, today we can do it from our phones and tablets wherever we are. But the more we can do online, the more we’re exposed to hazards. Cybersafe is here to help you stay safe online, so you can browse to your heart’s content, knowing you’re protected against scams, fraud and security problems.


If you’re the victim of a cyber crime, or you know of a current online scam, report it here.

Report a cyber crime


If you need some advice dealing with cyber safety there’s always someone to talk to.

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Tip of the week

Report any cyber issue to the relevant organisation. Find out more here.